We are more than a church, we are a family - Where no one walks alone

Worship Experience


Shelby Community Center

401 S. 20th Street

Nashville, TN 37206

Sunday’s @ 10:30 a.m.

We are a Church that believes in Jesus Christ and the transformed life found in Him.

Be Transformed

Encounter Transformation

We are a community of people whose lives are centered on having authentic, life-changing encounters with God.

Embrace Transformation

We are a community that embraces all people, regardless of where they are in life, in non-judgmental discipleship.

Expand Transformation

We are a community that will expand God’s Kingdom by leading people to explore their gifts and discover their purpose in God.

Engage Transformation

We are a community of people who engage the various cultures of the city and surroundings by serving, leading, and displaying the love of God to all people.

Become a Member

Become a Member

Ascend Nashville is a community that believes that no walks alone. Become apart of our community and family by emailing us at info@ascendnashville.org.
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Mission & Beliefs

We believe that our entire existence is centered around the Gospel. Proclaiming, living out and experiencing the Good News of Jesus is our life's mission. We believe in the fullness, sanctification and manifestation of the Holy Spirit within a believer's life. The Gospel is the life, victory and promises that we have due to the finished works of Jesus.
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